K- 12 Student Enrollment Information

Previously Enrolled Student - If your child has previously been enrolled in a Bradford County School District school, please contact the zoned school for re-enrollment instructions.

If you are
NEW to Bradford County School District, please use the “K-12 New Student Enrollment” in the form type below to fill out the enrollment form.

VPK Enrollment - Please contact the Rainbow Center at 904-966-6039.

NFTC Enrollment Information

Previously Enrolled Student in Bradford County School District or NFTC - If you have previously been enrolled in a Bradford County School or NFTC, please contact NFTC for further instructions.

If you have 
never been enrolled in a Bradford County School or NFTC, please use the "NFTC New Student Enrollment" in the form type below to fill out the enrollment form. 
If you began and saved an application and need to complete it,
please use the '
Continue Application' tab. 
If you have forgotten your username or password,
please contact 

Upon submission of your application, if you receive an Email Validation,
please validate your email using this device.

Elementary School                    Middle School                    High School
Grades - KG - 6th                       Grade - 7th & 8th                Grades 9th - 12th